Hey teachers! Looking for fun ways to practice spelling trick words? I have ideas for you right here!
Play Doh or Clay
Play doh is fun and easy to use, and super for shorter words for kindergarten and first graders.
Pipe Cleaners
Pipe cleaners are an underrated but fun, hands on way to make letters and therefore trick words!
Magnetic Letters
They are classic – but have you played the what’s missing game? Have students make the word with magnets and then you make the same word, but (out of sight) remote a letter (or two or three) and have students guess what’s missing from the word. It’s a great way for them to practice what the word looks like.

This is what my What’s Missing? looks like (left) and another quick activity I did that you can try where I mix up the letters and say “You be the teacher. Did I spell it correctly?” (right)
Sand Boxes!
I discovered weighted sand recently and it’s even better than salt boxes! I like to put sand or salt in the 4×6″ Iris photo boxes.
Gel Pens and Pads
Gel pens (like these from Wilson Language) provide pressure when students write words and help students learn the spelling!
Digital Resources
And if you want a way that students can practice trick words with digital resources, check out the trick word resources from my store. The top two have audio clips and students spell the words based on memory (or using classroom resources like the trick word wall). For the other resources, students will look at the trick words and spell them for practice! Fun, engaging, paperless, and great for distance learning, homeschooling, remote learning, or in class reading centers.

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