
Thankful Turkey Craft – Free!

 Ready for  a quick, fun, and free Thanksgiving themed craft?  Here it is! I don’t like complicated crafts so I made this as easy as possible!

Print the masters and copy the body onto brown paper, and choose colored paper for feathers. The beak goes on yellow and  the “gobbler” is red or orange. Students can make their own feet if they want. If you don’t have colored construction paper, you can print on white and students can color them in.

I organize the supplies in several spots around the room to prevent log jams. I list what they need on the board and send half the students to go to get scissors and glue, and half to get the papers.  It will take some students about 15 minutes but your students who need more time may take 45 minutes to an hour.

This can be easily differentiated! You can tell some students to make three or four feathers and some to create more. In the image below, this student wrote complete sentences, but you might also tell some students to just write their idea down, without using complete sentences. For example “my family”, and “my dog” instead of “I am an thankful for my dog”.

To grab it, click here or on any of the images in the post! Let me know if you use it!

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