
Stuck at Home Activities for the Family

Let’s talk about the fact that we all need some ideas and help of things to do while we are self-isolating! That’s why I put together this post today of  fun, engaging, stuck at home activities for the family (besides reading and using devices, of course!) Click on any of the images to learn more at Amazon.com!



Yes, I included two types of marble runs because they are so fun! Creative and hours of entertainment and engagement!


This Insect Lore Butterfly Kit includes LIVE CATERPILLARS! What a great way to learn about the life cycle at home this spring! ❤️️


I also think these ideas of having your own fossil dig at home and learning about circuits with Snap Circuits could be great learning experiences for the whole family!


I didn’t want to include any real technology on this list but the Bee Bot is an exception! Family members can learn coding, strategy, problem solving, and more with it! 



Play Doh was one of my favorite things as a child and this kit including stencils, tools and dough would be great for creative free play! With a bead set, crafting can link to spelling and phonics with the ABC beads.
Lego could count as a craft , right? I wasn’t sure where to put it! But this BrickHeadz activity is a fun way to celebrate Easter since no one is going to any Easter Egg Hunts or parties! Lego City has lots of fun building kits that the whole family could work on!
I first became interested in mosaic art a few years ago. This may be a fun way to introduce it to the whole family!



I know, most of these are not board games, but they are all super fun games the whole family could possibly play together! You can also get an Apples to Apples Jr. (which I had for indoor recess)  and I think there was a Hedbanz Jr. too! 


What do you think of these ideas for engaging and fun, creative, and interactive stuck at home activities for the family? If you have one to suggest, please comment! Hang in there folks and let’s have some fun while we wait this out!

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