Oh no! I was visiting my boyfriend and trying to get back to New England. I made my flight to Cleveland but before I even got off my plane it was cancelled. I considered driving back to his place (6+ hours) or driving home (14+ hours probably) but the big storm made me too nervous to drive. So here I am at a hotel. Couldn’t get a flight until tomorrow evening! Ack. Could not get a flight back to ny boyfriend and could not get a flight to Boston or NH with United or US Air before then. 🙁 It is better to be safe here but I want to get stuff done at home. Are any of you stuck trying to get home from holiday travels?

If you’re looking for any post-holiday teacher shopping, I am having a sale at my teachers pay teachers store and my teacher’s notebook store, too. Plus, lots of free stuff!
I don’t have my netbook, but I can catch up on my teacher blogs on my phone or ipad and come here to the business center too. Good times ! Hope you all had a happy Christmas!