I have been busy finishing up a bunch of projects that I had in the works for a while. I was trying to think of ways that we could get our students to write fun, seasonal, topics, but without mentioning specific holidays. For example I know many schools do not allow their teachers to read Halloween books or do any Halloween projects and sometimes even prohibit the use of papers with jack-o-lanterns on them. I was thinking… hmmm Halloween is spooky, but aren’t there spooky and creepy things that are not Halloween-specific? So I came up with my Spooky Writing Prompts. Included is a listing of the CCSS standards it covers for grade 2 (the grade I teach), but it would still work for first and third graders for differentiation purposes.
Here are some pics from the packet. If you click on the cover image you can go see it at Teachers Pay Teachers.
One of the spooky prompts: houses can be haunted at any time of year, right? Not necessarily a Halloween topic (but I suppose someone could debate me on it). I mean look at the first season of American Horror Story. Haunted house to the extreme and not because of October 31!