Play or analyze these songs in the classroom! These songs are split into two lists – one for general classroom use like transitions, brain breaks and more, and the other list is songs for analysis in English class or another type of middle school or high school class!
How did the songs make this list? I listened to about 50-60 songs and looked up the lyrics, too. If you want to read the lyrics yourself, try AZ Lyrics’ website.
I will post the videos for the songs so you can hear the song but I will not vouch for the videos themselves. If you need to find music videos that are okay for students, please search through videos on your own. For some songs I will share what I noticed when listening, but not for all. Be sure to listen yourself before playing at school!
Me! Taylor Swift with Brandon Urie
I like that this song celebrates being yourself!
Fancy Like by Walker Hayes
Some romance and a little innuendo in the lyrics, so be sure to double check (as with any of these songs) before you play in your classroom.
Counting Stars by One Republic
This song is pretty positive! The only lyrics of note are “Every thing that kills me makes me feel alive”.
High Hopes Panic at the Disco!
It’s Brandon Urie again from Panic at the Disco! He was mentioned above as a cowriter and performer with Taylor Swift for the song Me! This is a really positive song. Close listeners might notice the phrase “make a killing” which in this song, refers to being financially successful.
Wake Me Up by Avici
A fun, peppy song. Might be great for a dance break.
Be OK by Ingrid Michaelson
Another song with a peppy beat and a “happy” feel but the lyrics are a little more serious. Depper than it appears.
Budapest by George Ezra
Easy to sing along to!
Heat Waves by Glass Animals
I know I am not here to recommend the videos, just the songs, but this video is kind of chill and mesmerizing.
Something Just like This by Chainsmokers with Coldplay
Life is a Highway Tom Cochrane
This brings me back to high school (eek!) but your current students might enjoy it!
I’m a Believer by Smash Mouth
Another fun and cheerful choice for this songs in the classroom list! It’s a cover of the Monkees tune.
Just Like Fire by Pink
Happier by Marshmello ft. Bastille
I mean… with that cute puppy and the positive lyrics, I had to add this song.
Cha Cha Slide by either DJ Casper! or Mr. C
If your class likes to dance, this classic might work.
Cold Heart by Dua Lipa and Elton John
This is one of the newest options for songs in the classroom on the list!
Thunder by Imagine Dragons
Get Back Up Again by Anna Kendrick
I Want it That Way by Backstreet Boys
We Don’t Talk About Bruno from Encanto
Sorry, I know you’ve heard it 100 times already but for some reason this song is huge so I had to include it! And okay for the classroom.

Blank Space by Taylor Swift
The lyrics are ironic, satirical and witty and with them, Taylor shows she hears the critics’ comments and can hit back.
Taxi Cab by 21 Pilots
These lyrics are filled with literacy devices and interesting lines. For example “And I want everyone to know/ That I am half a soul divided”.
The New Romantics by Taylor Swift
Yes – another Swift song. Romantics try to ignore the bad and only remember the good. In this song the “New Romantics” try to make the bad things they encounter into romanticized good things. It’s very satirical.
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Suitable only for older or mature students since the lyrics include gun violence. However, it’s one of the classic songs in the classroom that you could analyze with your students.
Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz
Lots of rich vocabulary in these lyrics.
Hotel California by The Eagles
You probably already can sing along to this, so you know the lyrics are intriguing.
American Pie by Don McLean
The day “the music died” for McLean was when his favorite musicians, Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, and Ritchie Valens died in a plane crash. The lyrics are worth a deep dive.
It’s The End of the World As We Know it (And I Feel Fine) by REM
Any song that mentions Lester Bangs, Lenny Bruce, Leonid Brezhnev and vocabulary like vitriolic, patriotic and rapture are worth analysis in an English class or History class!
We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel
This one is a fast paced walk through history. Lots of great names, places, and historical events to analyze.
Over My Head (Cable Car) by the Fray
There is a lot going on in this song and it worth a look if you are looking to do some song analysis.
Check out my other blog posts with song suggestions:

If you have any other songs in the classroom that you know well and would recommend, please comment and let us know!