
Managing Bathroom Trips

Square sink image with title managing bathroom trips
Are you always pulling your hair managing bathroom trips in your classroom? Students seem to ask a lot to go, and how do you track it as a busy teacher? If you are only sending one kid each time but swamped, you might end up forgetting who went when. I rounded up a bunch of different ideas for bathroom passes for you! At my school, teachers had to do a paper sign out, so I made my own, and have it as a freebie for you! Scroll down for that freebie.

Bathroom Pass Types

Hands on Passes

3rd grade Thoughts has this really timely idea for bathroom passes! Students either take the hand sanitizer bottle with them or leave it on their desk when they go, and come back and use it!
hand sanitizer for bathroom passes
This basically free pass comes from Miss Giraffe’s Class and students who go simply place it on their desk.
plastic cup with word restroom on it

Paper Pass System

This is from Clutter-Free Classroom and it is editable! Jodi says it’s “management made easily”, so check it out!

No Pass at All!

The Price of Teaching had this idea which is common with some of my colleagues – a kind of where am I chart using magnets and a little decoration!

chart for where students are for classroom

Using Technology

Alice Keeler likes to use Google Forms to have students sign out for the bathroom. If you have a computer or chrome book, check out her idea here and see if you’d like it!


Here is the bathroom sign out freebie! Grab it here! The actual freebie has no names on it – they are just so you can see how it would be used. By the way, when students inevitably ask me “what if I have to go a fourth time?” I say something like, “That might mean you are using the bathroom a lot.” and “Just write your name again on a new row”.
bathroom sign out freebie

What is your favorite tip for managing bathroom tips? Comment please and let us know!
sink image with Managing Bathroom Trips title on it

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