Hello folks! I could not believe it last week! I hit some amazing milestones on social media and it is all thanks to all of you! Check out what happened below!

On Facebook, I hit 4,000 followers! WHAT?! Yes! On Instagram which I have been loving lately I hit 700 followers last week. And finally on my newest social media app, Periscope, I hit 100 followers last week too. I can’t beieve it! Thank you so much for your support, dedication, and love. I am so glad that my posts and videos have been entertaining you, inspiring you, amusing you , and helping make teaching a little more fun and easier for you.
To say THANK you, I am hosting a giveaway! Woohoo! Who doesn’t like a giveaway? I will be giving away a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble AND I decided to throw in $10 to my TPT store! Wouldn’t you like to grab some books for your class in B&N or some goodies for yourself (a few months ago I bought a cool Wonder Woman cup there for ME)? And I bet you would like to find something in my TPT for your class! It’s easy… just check out the Rafflecopter below and there are a bunch of easy ways to enter! Thank you SO much and good luck!