Hi everyone! Today is doubly fun! I have a holiday book review for you and if you keep reading, my December currently is finally up and linked with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade!
First, my bloggy buddy Andrea at Reading Toward the Stars is having a linky of holiday book reviews.
I wanted to share a book I love but didn’t know about until about 5 years ago: Pussycat’s Christmas by Margaret Wise Brown (Yes, of Goodnight Moon fame) and Anne Mortimer.
This is a sweet book that details how a cute black and white cat can tell that Christmas is coming and tells of the fun she has during Christmas- I love how Wise Brown describes what the cat smells, hears, and so on. The way it is written is lyrical and so descriptive! For example,
“The ice tinkled when it broke on the frozen mud puddles.” and
“And could she hear the crackle and slip of white tissue paper?”
I read the book to my second graders every year but I can see preschool age children enjoying it and even third graders too (plus book-loving teachers like us!). I’d recommend you check it out. Clicking on the image below will take you to Amazon. I bet Pussycat would tell you to have a “Meow-y” Christmas! 🙂
Click here to head over to Book Talk Thursday at Andrea’s blog to see what book she recommends and who else linked up!
Now.. it’s time for my December Currently. I linked up so click on Farley’s button to see what she has on her currently and who else linked up. It’s such a busy time of year and I have been stressed but as you will see I have been finding an escape with some pretty cool TV shows!

Have a restful night everyone!