
Classroom Resources for Thanksgiving

It’s almost that time! Like me, do you try to fit in some Thanksgiving-themed resources during November? I gathered up some resources and ideas for you in this post!
>>>>>First, let’s take a look at what you can find in my own collection as far as math resources>>>>
Students will be practicing single and double digit addition and subtraction. The problems are fun and engaging and students will practice math without realizing it! It is a sample from the Thanksgiving Math and Literacy Pack.
Thanksgiving Place Value Pack – This 37 page resource has lots of place value practice for your students! Students will practice reading and writing 2 and 3 digit numbers, expanded form, and place value / base ten block practice!
Math and Literacy Pack – this pack includes practice for both math and language arts skills. For example, there is a compound word cut and glue match up activities, math task cards, place value practice, addition and subtraction story problems, to name just a few!
>>>>>Now, let’s check out purely language arts themed resources!<<<<
For this craft, students will brainstorm reasons they are thankful, cut out colorful turkey feathers, and glue them on to create a cute turkey craft! Fun and free! 
Students will cut out words, and finding matches to make new compound words by gluing on a record sheet. Compound words include cookbook, touchdown, campfire and applesauce!
Holiday Writing Prompt Collection (Thanksgiving and Christmas)
This writing resource includes Thanksgiving and Christmas themed writing, covering CCSS writing standards such as opinion writing, narrative, and informational writing, as well as letter writing. Checklists are included for student accountability and regular lined paper and Handwriting without Tears paper is included. 
<<<<Here are a few more resources to help your class celebrate Thanksgiving while working hard and learning>>>>

Thanksgiving Placemat Craft by My Happy Place
Thanksgiving STEM Challenge Activities by Kerry Tracy

What is your favorite Thanksgiving themed resource?! Let me know!

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