FAQs: Using Google Drive in the Classroom

Using Google Drive and other digital resources in the classroom is an amazing way to approach teaching, but at times questions can come up and you might be looking for answers!  I know that before I even began using Google Slides, Docs, etc. with my second graders that I had

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Flexible Seating: What I’m Keeping; What I Ditched

Let’s talk flexible seating! Some of you know I  changed my classroom into a flexible seating set up during the last school year. It was really exciting and so beneficial to my class. Once thing to think about if you are switching to  flexible seating for the first time, is

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How Google™ Slides Can Help Your Students Practice Grammar!

Mini-Lessons, small group practice, interactive notebooks, and watching videos are just a few ways students can practice grammar skills such as synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. There are also some great games, task boxes and reading centers that can be done in small groups or partners. But often, if you really

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Rae Dunn Teacher Blogger Giveaway!

Hello Teachers! It is almost spring, so some of my favorite bloggy buddies and I thought we would celebrate with a super fun giveaway for you! We have joined together to give you an amazing Rae Dunn prize, along with a  terrific free resource from each of nine teacher bloggers!  Read

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Surviving Outdoor Recess in the Winter

So, it’s winter, it’s freezing out and the wind chill is no joke, but you still have outdoor recess?! Brrr! What can you do to survive? And how about your students?  Check out my 10 tips for surviving outdoor recess in the winter! 1. LAYER We all know as grownups

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