
Back to School Tips – For your Personal Life!

Back to school tips for your personal life from Reading and Writing Redhead

Hello everyone! I am here with a few tips for you! The back to school time can be so insane so I put together a list of ideas for you that will help you keep your sanity (Well, as much as possible) and your personal live somewhat organized and under control! Some are my ideas and some are thanks to some terrific suggestions on both my Reading and Writing Redhead Facebook Page and personal page. Thanks everyone! If you have another suggestion please comment below and I may add it to this post and the free download!  I am going to share some of the ideas here and then let you know how you can get a complete list along with a checklist for yourself for free!

1. Buy yourself a new lunchbox. Face it – bringing your lunch saves tons of money and if you can afford a new one, you will get a little rush! It feels good! Try the LL Bean outlet or a store like Kohl’s, Marshalls or Walmart for an affordable one.
2. Stock up on lunch and snack foods. Buy a whole bunch of frozen meals, healthy snacks, etc. so you’re not running out to eh the market on a school night the first week of school. With that in mind, pack your lunch the night before the first day of school to save time in the morning. Or if you must pack it that morning, have a list on the counter of what you will pack. Then you’re not scrambling, at least on the first day!
3. Schedule the dog walker. Get that in place so you don’t have to stress! BONUS tip: Stock up on dog and cat food too so you don’t have to shop for it the first week or 2 of school!
4. Clear out old pens! You can do this – it takes maybe 10 minutes!  Grab a basket or bin and round up all the pens in the house- from junk drawers, pencils cups, beside tables etc. Grab a piece of paper and quickly test them all. Don’t work? Toss! Falling apart? Toss! If you think you still have way too many, throw some into a plastic bag and bring to donate to your school office or staff room. Keep a few pens in each room but you really don’t need more than that, right? 
5. Cabinet check – you know all of those Tupperware type containers you bring your lunch and snacks in? Check to see if any are stained or damaged and if so, get rid of them. If you can, replace them. You will get a fresh start to the school year!

Okay…I know you’re probably wondering.. how do I get the freebie for the complete list and checklist? Simply sign up to receive my free newsletter. It comes about once a month and you can easily unsubscribe at any time. I also do NOT share your personal contact info at any time.  Here is the simple sign up form: http://eepurl.com/DFyuj    Or click the cute homework eating dog below!

Back to school tips for your personal life from Reading and Writing Redhead

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