Your students can add two numbers or give you a synonym for the word sleepy, but they are not engaged at all… which is why it’s a terrific idea to incorporate themed soccer activities (or World Cup) into your lesson plans! Many students love soccer, play soccer, or watch it on TV. So try one of the five activities below to get your class motivated and engaged!
Soccer / World Cup Themed Activities
1. Soccer Ball Addition or Multiplication

2. Soccer Themed Brain Breaks
Here are some things you could try for 30 – 60 seconds, or give students a certain number to complete: Side to side jumps, dribble across the room with an imaginary ball, run in place, right foot and left foot balance, arm circles, shoulder blade squeezes

3. Soccer Mad Libs
Mad Libs are so much fun and a great way to practice parts of speech, and get everyone laughing. This soccer activities themed Mad Libs would be perfect!
Keep scrolling for more ideas!

4. Soccer Sight Words
I don’t have a picture of this right now, but you know those backboards most schools have for recess games? Take chalk and write sight words (big) on the board and circle each words. Kids kick the ball and whichever word the ball hits, they read that word! Out of all of the soccer activities, this is another active and whole body option!
5. Soccer Activities Pack
I have an ELA (reading comprehension, vocabulary) and Math (addition, subtraction, graphing, measuring, word problems, and more) resource that you can use that will hook your students into learning!
The Soccer Activities resource includes 11 math and ELA options:
•Soccer vocabulary cards
•Soccer vocabulary definitions
•Soccer vocabulary sample sentences
•Vocabulary cut and glue
•Soccer facts graphic organizers and interactive notebook page
•KWL pages
•Synonyms cut and glue
•Addition and subtraction word problems printables
•Measurement activity
•Bar graph and pictograph pages
•Addition , subtraction, multiplication and division word problems with fidget poppers/pop its
•Extension ideas for pop its
•Answer keys included
Check out some of the resources in action and click on any image to learn more!
12 Math & Literacy Games & Independent Activities from my friend Primary Inspiration by Linda Nelson. So many fun options!
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