Find a Mentor or a Pal
Hopefully your school has a mentor teacher program, but if not, and maybe even in addition too, find a pal! Find a teacher who has ideas and is willing to share and help! Sure, it’s great if they are at your grade level, but my first mentor teacher taught a different grade – she was still very supportive and helpful. I also still remember two young second grade teachers helping me a ton that first year. Don’t be shy about asking for help and information!
Go Home
No, we are not trying to get rid of you! But you will burn out quickly and get yourself tired and sick if you don’t go home at a reasonable hour. Sure – come in early and stay late, but it is not good for your health if you’re in school from 7am -7pm! Take care of yourself!
Pace Yourself and Be Realistic
The year before this, I was a mentor teacher for a new second grade teacher. She worked very hard, but she was also realistic. She didn’t think she would be able to learn and implement every single app/website/piece of technology we had available, which was right! She focused on a few and the second year, learned and implemented the rest of them. Also, be sure to pace yourself. Give yourself a reasonable timeline for things!
Get Basic Supplies
Ask your principal for basic supplies or money to put towards them and get the essentials. Again, don’t spend tons on these. What should you grab? Check out my blog post (link here) for details!
And new teachers, just be kind to yourself! It’s a really tough job and you are doing great!
Do you have a tip for new teachers? Tell us in the comment section please!